Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Come on in...

Leeds is getting a real skate shop! Result! And only a year after my total lack of any money forced me to move away...

It's called Welcome, it's going to live underneath Crash record shop (in the bit that used to sell non-guitar music) and it's almost definitely going to be ace.

They're having an opening party on Friday July 9th at Nation of Shopkeepers and there will be free stuff, so get involved.

Monday, 21 June 2010


A bunch of nonsense I'm doing for A Football Report. Part 2 is here.

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Roll up

Part 2 is now officially on sale in Ideal in Birmingham and Slam City in London, for just 3 shiny pounds.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010


Seriously kind words from the peeps at Sidewalk:

Secondly, we have the truly amazing 'Gentlemanly Conduct' from the extemely talented fingers of Jon Horner. Despite its black and white Xeroxed format, this is closer to a short graphic novel than a mere zine and is 100% worth your pennies. Gentlemanly Conduct follows the career trajectory of fictional skateboard superstar Sam Foulkes as he traipses the skateboard earth cementing his status as a four-wheeled uber-mensch. There are several seperate stories, re-drawings of many a classic skate photo, make-believe Pro Spotlights and references that trawl the dense underground world of skateboard history. It's impossible to do Jon's work much justice in such a short space so suffice to say, for now, that this comes highly recommended.

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Part 2

Is totally done, printed and everything. It's got a colour cover for extra classiness, an extra bonus colour strip on the back and it only costs £3. It looks like this...